Plan miasta Herronen

Herronen - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Tuhala ja Nabala karstiala on majandustegevuse t?ttu ohus

Roadscannersi georadari-uuringu teostasid Soome teadlased Tomi Herronen ja Timo Saarenketo. Tuhala-Nabala karstiala pinnase geoloogiline uuring ja kümne maa-aluse j?e määramine läks maksma 6500 eurot (veidi üle 100 000 krooni).
źródło: BlogSearch

Kajaanin Linna, The Northermost Castle in The World

To support the future value and use of Kajaani Castle for cultural purposes we welcome comments, questions and opinions. Historical informations, legends or viewpoints that may be elaborated upon, are most welcome. The current situation ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Last News: Geo-radar confirmed

Bed-rock-profile confirmed. After three months of resturation work the NBA arranged for a drill-test of the castle-yard in Kajaani, on the 27th and 28th of August. The results showed that the bedrock-profile is found at the level of 5,5 ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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